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Testimonials lifestyle


To feel great is not isolated to change in for ex clothing or hair. Fysical and mental wellness and activity makes a huge impact on our health  - now more than ever. Below you can read some testimonials from fantastic and dedicated customers. To know more about Iren G  and lifestyle:


Bjørn Arve - understanding training makes a difference


"I have trained alone for years with some results, but with no progression.

When Iren came on as my PT things really started to happen. I can notice a big change in the body both inside and outside (only after about 7 months) and energy has really come back. Everything is easier, I look better, my mood is better and my wife is happy. 


Iren fixes everything. You quickly discover that she's a pro, has experience and a wonderful attitude. A girl you can quickly become fond of.

I will recommend Iren strongly, the best investment.

Thanks Iren.

bear 66

Tone - who would think I could run in the forest?


"Why do I use a PT?

Most importantly I see training with a PT as an investment in the quality of life functions. Time flies fast, it must be used wisely, I feel. PT - Expensive you say? ... Oh well. How much do you spend on car, boat, house or cottage? Or clothes and gadgets? Why is the body worth less? It is going to last until our last day here on earth ;-).


In order to avoid further damage on the body - like it has been damaged through the years with my ill health, I wanted help. I had to start over again building my body from scratch.


Proper training what is it? How much exercise is needed? Learning the right technique. How do exercises? How heavy should I lift?  The body as resistance? Will I endure?  I had many many questions.
These are the reasons: Because I have a PT next to me watching me doing things right and preparing programs and exercises. She understands exactly what I can do to take training to a new level. A supporter and motivator. One that I can seek advice from regarding the right diet and nutrition, too.


I recommend buying some professional help from a PT.
Tone W"

Mette - a trainer sometimes needs a trainer


"For a long time I watched the pounds just show up on my body, and then realized that I had to do something. I got a tip from a girlfriend that MOM was a very pleasant place to train. I joined and Iren helped me start a healthier diet, training and managed several times to lure me to try spinning, training with ball, dance and BodyCombat.
Iren also set up programs in strength and stability for the girls team I trained a few years ago.
Iren is a fantastic motivator, she knows what she's doing. Where she is there is room for everyone.
Mette C 48"

Sigbjørn - back injuries and training


"It is over 4 years since I first came to you for help to cope with a bit quarrelsome back. And I got help. You are proficient in your field and simultaneously gentle and nice. I got the feeling of being taken care of, and received a phone call several times a year with questions about how it went with training and program. I got the help I asked for and wanted and, also a nice chat when it was convenient.


I could not fail to notice that your other customers also received good treatment with much humor blended into useful guidance. I think that this is important, so it gets a little fun too. As you have made different training programs for me to switch between I have become quite "self-going". If I need new inspiration and help I know who to contact.

Thanks for all your help Iren and continued success.
Sigbjørn A 66"

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